שטיין אילנה


אילנה שטיין

שם המוסד: מו"פ מזרח, אריאל

דוא"ל: ilanash@ariel.ac.il

תחומי עניין ומחקר: תחום ההתמחות העיקרי שלי הוא אנטומיה פונקציונאלית של צמחים. אני מתעניינת בקשר בין מבנה ותפקוד של צמחים, בין היתר בהקשר של עקות. אני משלבת בוטניקה קלאסית עם ביומכאניקה וחקר דופן תא.


רשימת חלקית של פרסומים מדעיים:

  1. Shtein I, Baruchim P and Lev-Yadun S (2020) Division of labour among culms in the clonal reed Arundo donax (Poaceae) is underlied by their pre-determined hydraulic structure. Invited article, Plant Anatomy special issue. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (accepted). DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boaa062.
  2. Shtein I, Koyfman A, Schwartz A, Popper ZA, Bar-On B (2020) Solanales stem biomechanical properties are primarily determined by morphology rather than internal structural anatomy and cell wall composition. Invited article, Anatomy and Chemistry special issue. Plants 9,678.
  3. Erel R, Le TT, Eshel A, Cohen S, Offenbach R, Strijker T and Shtein I (2020) Root development of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) as affected by water salinity and sink strength. Invited article, Special Issue "Root System Structure and Function: A Themed Issue in Honor of Professor Yoav Waisel". Plants 9(1), 35.
  4. Bar M and Shtein I (2019) Plant trichomes and the biomechanics of defense in various systems, with Solanaceae as a model. (Review). Botany 97(12):651-660.
  5. Netzer Y, Munitz S, Shtein I, Schwartz A (2019) Structural memory in grapevines: early season water availability affects late season drought stress severity. European Journal of Agronomy 105: 96–103.
  6. Shtein I, Koyfman A, Eshel A and Bar-On B (2019) Autotomy in plants: organ sacrifice in Oxalis Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 (151).
  7. Zait Y, Shtein I and Schwartz A (2019) Long-term acclimation to different stress types: revealing tradeoffs between mesophyll and stomatal conductance. Tree Physiology 39(5):701-716.
  8. Munitz S, Netzer Y, Shtein I and Schwartz A (2018) Water availability dynamics have long-term effects on mature stem structure in Vitis vinifera. American Journal of Botany 105(9):1443-1452.
  9. Shtein I, Bar-On B, Popper ZA (2018) Plants and algal structure: from cell walls to biomechanical function. (Invited review) Physiologia Plantarum 164(1):56-66.
  10. Marom Z, Shtein I, Bar-On B (2017) Stomatal macro-to-micro mechanics. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 8:1-12.
  11. Shtein I, Popper ZA and Harpaz-Saad S (2017) Permanently open stomata of aquatic angiosperms display a modified cellulose crystallinity pattern. Addendum. Plant Signaling and Behavior 12(7).
  12. Shtein I, Shelef Y, Marom Z, Popper ZA, Zelinger E, Schwartz A, Bar-On B and Harpaz-Saad S (2017) Stomatal cell wall composition and cellulose crystallinity: distinctive structural patterns are associated with different phylogenetic groups. Annals of Botany 119: 1021–1033.
  13. Shtein I, Hayat Y, Munitz S, Harcavi E, Akerman M, Drori E, Schwartz A, Netzer Y (2017) From structural constraints to hydraulic function in three Vitis Trees 31: 851–861.
  14. Shtein I, Elbaum R and Bar-On, B (2016) The hygroscopic opening of sesame fruits is induced by a functionally graded pericarp architecture. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:1-8.
  15. Shtein I, Noy-Porat T and Eshel A (2016) Life cycle and reproductive botany
    of Scilla hyacinthoides, a Mediterranean geophyte. Scientia Horticulturae
  16. Shtein I, Noy-Porat T and Eshel A (2014) Effects of light, temperature and nitrogen on Scilla hyacinthoides germination and seedling development. Seed Science and Technology 42:113-125.
  17. Shtein I, Meir S, Riov J and Philosoph-Hadas S (2011) Interconnection of seasonal temperature, vascular traits, leaf anatomy and hydraulic performance in cut Dodonaea 'Dana' branches. Postharvest Biology and Technology 61:184-192.