שמידע אבי אנגלית


Avi Shmida

Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality


Research Interests:

Reproductive biology and pollination: Sex types in plants; Foraging behavior of bees; Bee-flower interactions. Rare and endangered plants of the Levant. Application of game theory to evolution and ecology. Bounded rationality as an explanation of behaviors and morphologies in biology. Flowers as a focal model for the study of the pollination market and game interactions between female and male functions.

Research Topics:

  1. Heterocarpy and sex types in the Daisy (Asteraceae).
  2. Signaling vs. cheap talk in flower display.
  3. Mother-offspring conflict and the evolution of the compact inflorescent.
  4. Sex Types in plants and the Charnov sexual allocation model: Monoecy, dioecy and hermaphrodite. Selfing vs. outcrossing in annual plants.
  5. Relation between flower size, fruit size, and sex types in plants.
  6. Coevolution of the Red Anemone guild and Glaphyrid beetles.
  7. Color change in inflorescences in relation to pollinators.
  8. Rare endemic and endangered species of Israel and adjacent countries.
  9. War of attrition between vertebrata and insects: How does K-level reasoning matter?
  10. The Affuna (Pea) game: The Rapoport resource dilemma in evolutionary ecology.
  11. Unified approaches to nature, cultures, and archeology in Edom.



 [Updated :   15-8-2006 ; 24-6-07 ; 1-1-2008, 17-8-2011  ,  15-6-2013]


Green – PdF  or Copy not exsist

Yellow –  citation not completed (mainly pages and year)

  1. Shmida, A., 1967. Food of Tuna fishes during the summer of 1967. Alon Hadayagym 17: 30‑38. (Hebrew, English summary).
  2. Shmida, A., 1972. The vegetation of Gebel Maghara, North Sinai. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Botany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (Hebrew, English summary).
  3. Shmida, A., 1977. "A quantitative analysis of the Tragacanthic vegetation of Hermon and its relation to environmental factors".  Ph.D. Thesis, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (Hebrew, English summary).
  4. Kollman, F. and A. Shmida, 1977. Allium species of Hermon. I. Taxonomy.  Isr. J. Bot.  26: 128‑148.
  5. Shmida, A. and F. Kollman, 1977. Allium species of Hermon. II. Distribution, variation and polyploidy correlation with vertical zonation.  Isr. J. Bot.  26: 149‑159.
  6. Shmida A 1977 Remarks on the palaeo-climates of Sinai, based on the distribution patterns of relict plants.  In: Prehistoric Investigations in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai. O. Bar-Yosef and J. L. Phillips (eds.).  Qedem, No. 7, Jerusalem, pp. 36‑41.
  7. Shmida A. and Orshan G 1977. The recent vegetation of Gebel Maghara.  In: Prehistoric Investigations in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai. O. Bar‑Yosef and J. L. Phillips (eds.).  Qedem, No. 7, Jerusalem, pp. 32‑36.
  8. Feinbrun, N. and A. Shmida, 1978. A review in the genus Crocus in Israel and neighboring countries.  J. Bot.  26: 172-189.
  9. Shmida, A., 1978. Relationship between Paracaryum intermedium and P. boissiori in Sinai, and the generic separation of Parycaryum and Mattiastrum (Boraginaceae).  Syst. Evol.  129: 323‑326.
  10. Shmida, A., and R. H. Whittaker, 1979. Convergent evolution of deserts in the New and Old World.  In:  Vegetation and History, R. Tuxen (ed.).  Sym. Int. Vereing. Vegetationskunde.  Rintelin.  pp. 437‑450.
  11. Shmida, A., 1980. Kermes oaks in the land of Israel.  Israel Land and Nature  6: 1, 9‑16.
  12. Shmida, A., 1981. Red display flowers of the Mediterranean. Israel Land and Nature 6( 2): 106‑115.
  13. Shmida, A. and R. H. Whittaker, 1981. Pattern and biological microsite effects in two shrub communities, Southern California. Ecology 62: 234‑251.
  14. Cohen, S., J. Gale, A. Shmida, A. Poljakoff‑Mayber, and S. Suraqui, 1981.  Calculated transportation and the radiation climate of the leaf, along the altitudinal gradient of Mt.  Hermon, a Mediterranean mountain, during the summer.  of   Ecology  69: 391‑403.
  15. Dafni A, Shmida A, Avishai M. 1981. Leafless autumnal flowering geophytes in the Mediterranean region – phytogeographical, ecological and evolutionary aspects. Plant Systematics and Evolution 137: 181–193.
  16. Ellner S. and Shmida A 1981 Why are adaptations for long‑range seed dispersal rare in desert plants?  Oecologia  51: 133-144
  17. Shmida, A., 1981. Mediterranean vegetation of Israel and California, similarities and differences.  Israel. J. Botany. 30(3): 105‑123.
  18. Barbour, M., A. Shmida, A. Johnson, and B. H. Holton, 1981. Comparison of coastal dune shrub in Israel and California: Physiognomy, species richness, associations, patterns, phytogeography.  J. Bot.  30(4): 181‑198.
  19. Shmida, A. and M. Barbour, 1982. A comparison of two types of Mediterranean scrub in Israel and California, pp. 100‑107.  In: Dynamics and management of Mediterranean‑type ecosystems.  E. Conrad and W. C. Oechel (eds.) USDA, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW‑58, Berkeley, Calif.
  20. Ohlhorst, A., A. Shmida, M. M. Poulson, and G. E. Hutchinson, 1982. The waters of Merom:  A study of Lake Huleh.  Non‑siliceous plant remains with appendices on some animal fossils. Archives of Hydrobiologie  94: 4, 441‑459.
  21. Shmida, A. and S.Ellner, 1983. Seed dispersal on pastoral grazers in open Mediter­ranean chaparral, Israel.  J. Bot. 32(3): 147-159.
  22. Shmida, A. and J. Aronson, 1983. Fleshy fruits in the flora of Israel and their adaptation to dispersal by animals.  Rotem  10: 5‑44. (Hebrew, English summary).
  23. Shmida, A. and D. Heller, 1983. Michael Zohary ‑ Giant of Israel  Israel Land and Nature 9: 1, 33‑35.
  24. Shmida, A. and S. Ellner, 1984. Coexistence of plant species with similar niches.  Vegetatio 58: 29‑55.
  25. Shmida, A., 1984. Singular Flora on Mount Carmel. Israel Land and Nature  9(4): 162‑164.
  26. Shmida, A., 1984. Endemism in the flora of Israel. Bot Jahrb. syst. 104: 537‑567.
  27. Shmida, A., 1984. Whittaker's Plant Diversity Sampling Method. Israel. J. Bot. 33: 41‑46.
  28. Ellner, S.P. and A. Shmida, 1984. Seed dispersal in relation to habitat in the genus Picris (Compositae) in Mediterranean and Arid regions.  Israel Bot. 33: 1, 25‑39.
  29. Shmida, A., 1984. Convergence and Non-convergence of Mediterranean vegetation.  Soc. Bot. France 131: 2‑4, 465‑472.
  30. Shmida, A., 1985. Why do some Compositae have a deciduous Pappus? Miss. Bot. Gardens 72: 184‑186.
  31. Shmida, A., 1985. Biogeography of the desert floras of the world.   In:  Hot Deserts.  Evenari, M. and Noy‑Meir and D.W. Goodall (eds.) Ecosystems of the World,  Vol.  12a.   Hot Deserts and Arid Shrublands, Elsevier Amsterdam.  pp. 23-77.
  32. Shmida, A., M. Evenari and Noy‑Meir, 1986. Hot desert ecosystems: An integrated view. In: M. Evenari, I. Noy‑Meir and D.W. Goodall (eds.)  Ecosystems of the World, Vol. 12b. Hot Deserts and Arid Shrublands, Elsevier Pub., pp. 379-387.
  33. Shmida, A. and S. Ritman, 1985. The Israel Plant Data‑Base: A unified approach to Ecology, Phytosociology, Floristics, Teaching, and Conservation.   In: The Role of Data in Scientific Progress, P.S. Glaeser (ed.) Elsevier Pub., pp. 91-95.
  34. Salomon, H. and A. Shmida, 1985. Computerized Geographical Mapping of Biological Species. In: The Role of Data in Scientific Progress, P.S. Glaeser (ed.) Elsevier, pp. 77-79.
  35. Shmida, A. and M. Wilson, 1985. Biological determinants of species diversity. Biogeography 12: 1‑20.
  36. Wilson, M. V. and A. Shmida, 1984. Measuring beta diversity with presence‑absence data. of Ecology 72 (3) 1055‑1062.
  37. Auerbach M. and A. Shmida, 1985. Harmony Among Endemic Littoral Plants and Adjacent Floras in Israel.  of Biogeography 12: 175-187.
  38. Danin, A., A. Shmida and A. Liston, 1986. Contribution to the flora of Sinai. III. Checklist of the species collected and recorded by the Jerusalem Willdenovia 15: 255-322.
  39. Shmida, A. and A. Aronson, 1986. The Sudanian elements in the flora of Israel. Missouri Bot. Gardens 73: 1-28.
  40. Burgess, T. and A. Shmida, 1986. Succulent Growth-forms in Arid Environments. In: Whitehead, C. Hutchinson, B. Timmerman, and R. Virity (eds.) Arid Lands Today and Tomorrow.  Proc. Int. Res. Desert Conference. Westview Press, Boulder Colorado.  pp. 385-395.
  41. Shmida, A. and T. Burgess, 1988. Plant Growth-Form Strategies and Vegetation Types in Arid Environments. In: J. A. Werger (ed.), Vegetation Structure. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague, Netherlands. pp 1-31.
  42. Auerbach, M. and A. Shmida, 1987. Spatial Scale and the Determinants of Plant Species Richness. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2: 238-242.
  43. Shmida, A. and M. Auerbach, 1983. The strange mustard smell of the Crucifers.  Israel Land and Nature 9:3, 61‑66.
  44. Auerbach, M. and A. Shmida, Patch formation among Israeli Crucifers: How do they get away with it?  Ann. Miss. Bot. Gardens, 74: 583-594.
  45. Shmida, A., 1986. Plants Blooming out of season?  Israel Land and Nature, 12, 24-25.
  46. Shmida, A., and G. Pollak, 1987. Harbingers of Rain. Israel Land & Nature, 13, 23-28.
  47. Shmida, A., 1987. Winter Flowering Strategy:  Why flowers bloom at the "wrong time".  Israel Land and Nature, 12, 68-69.
  48. Shmida, A. and A. Liston, 1987. Ophioglossum polyphyllum – An addition to the fern flora of Israel and its ecogeographical significance. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 109: 145-151.
  49. Liston, A. and A. Shmida, 1987. Contribution to the flora of Mount Hermon, 1. Species with interesting disjunct distribution –Kitaibelia balansae and Lathyrus roseus. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 109: 59-69.
  50. Shmida, A., O. Cohen, and A. Cohen, 1988. Moringa:  A Tropical Tree in the Golan.  Israel Land and Nature, 14, 219-222.
  51. Dukas R. and A. Shmida, 1989. Correlation between the color, size, and shape of Crucifer flowers and relationships to pollinators. Oikos, 54: 281-286.
  52. Shmida, A. and R. Dukas, 1990. Progressive reduction in the mean body size of solitary bees active during the flowering season and its correlation to the sizes of bee flowers of the Mint family (Lamiaceae). J. Bot., 39: 133-141.
  53. Shmida, A. and D. Cohen, 1989. Flowers: The Advertising Game.  Israel Land and Nature 14(3): 110-117.
  54. Shmida, A., O. Cohen, and O. Fragman, 1990. Ramon Crocus:  Beauty in the Negev Highlands.  Israel Land & Nature, 15: 162-167.
  55. Kadmon, R. and A. Shmida, 1990. Pattern and causes of spatial variation in the reproductive success of a desert annual. Oecologia, 83: 139-144.
  56. Kadmon, R. and A. Shmida, 1990. Spatio-temporal demographic processes in annual plant populations:  An approach and a case study. Am. Nat., 135: 382-397.
  57. Kadmon, R. and A. Shmida, 1990. Competition in a variable environment:  an experimental study in a desert annual plant population.  J. Bot., 39: 403-412.
  58. Steinberger, Y., A. Shmida, and W.G. Whitford, 1990. Decomposition of surface wheat straw along a rainfall gradient in Judean Desert, Israel. Oecologia, 82: 322-324.
  59. Steinberger, Y., A. Shmida, and H. Leschner, 1990. Correlation of lignin with the dissemination strategy among annual desert plants. Arid Soil Res. and Rehabilitation, 4: 149-155.
  60. Steinberger, Y., H. Leschner, and A. Shmida, 1991. Chaff piles of Harvester ant (Messor spp.) nests in a desert ecosystem. Insect Society, 38: 241-250.
  61. Steinberger, Y., H. Leschner, and A. Shmida, 1992. Activity pattern of harvester ants (Messor) in the Negev desert ecosystem. J. Arid Env.,23: 169-176.
  62. Aronson, A., J. Kigel and A. Shmida, 1988. Responses to Water Stress in Mediterranean and Desert Ecotypes of Two Annual Grasses and a Crucifer. In: Di Castri, F. (ed.) Time Scales and Water Stress Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Mediterranean Ecosystems. IUBS, Paris, pp. 239-245.
  63. Aronson, J., J. Kigel, and A. Shmida, 1990. Comparative plant sizes and reproductive strategies in desert and Mediterranean populations of ephemeral plants.  J. Bot., 39: 413-430.
  64. Dafni, A., P. Bernhardt, A. Shmida, Y. Ivri, S. Greenbaum, Ch. O'Toole, and L. Losito, 1990. Red bowl-shaped flowers:  convergence for beetle pollination in the Mediterranean region.  J. Bot., 39: 81-92.
  65. Shmida, A., and A. Dafni, 1990. Blooming strategies, flower size and advertising in the "Lily-group" geophytes in Israel.  Herbertia, 45: 111-123.
  66. Kollman, F., A. Shmida, and O. Cohen, 1990. Allium tardiflorum, a new autumn-flowering species, Herbertia, 46(1): 23-32.
  67. Cohen, O. & A. Shmida.   Botanical notes.  Israel  Land and Nature.  15/4:184-185. [ Crypsis minuartioides, Cephlaria tenella, Arabidopsis pumila]
  68. Cohen, O. & A. Shmida.   Botanical notes.  Israel  Land and Nature.  16/3:145 – 146. [ on Vicia hulensis ]
  69. Cohen, O. & A. Shmida.   Botanical notes.  Israel  Land and Nature.  16/4:182-184. [ Ophioglossum polyphyllum, Colchicum brachyphllum Eryngium barrellieri and Pentatropis spiralis ]
  70. Peleg, B. and A. Shmida, 1992. Short-run Stable Matching between bees and flowers.  Games and Economic Behavior 4: 232-251.
  71. Peleg, B., A. Shmida, and S. Ellner, 1992. Foraging Graphs:  Constraint rules on matching between bees and flowers in a two-sided pollination market.  Theor. biol. 157: 191-201.
  72. Aronson, J., J. Kigel, A. Shmida, and J. Klein, 1991. Adaptive phenology of desert and Mediterranean populations of annual plants grown with and without water stress.  Oecologia, 89, 17-26.
  73. Selten and A. Shmida, 1991.  Pollinator foraging and flower competition in a game equilibrium model. In:  R. Selten (ed.) Game Equilibrium Models Springer-Verlag, Vol. 1, 195-256.
  74. Ellner, S. and A. Shmida, 1991. An evolutionary game theory model for risk taking In:  Game Theory and Applications (Ichiishi, T., A. Neyman, and Y. Tauman, eds.).  Academic Press, pp. 377-379.
  75. Shmida, A., and R. Kadmon, 1991. Within-plant patchiness in nectar standing crop in Anchusa strigosa.  Vegetatio, 94: 95-99.
  76. Kadmon, R., A. Shmida, and R. Selten, 1992. Within-plant foraging behavior of bees and its relationship to nectar distribution in Anchusa strigosa.  J. Bot. 40: 283-294.
  77. Kadmon, R. and A. Shmida, 1992. Departure rules used by bees foraging for nectar: A Field test.  Evolutionary  Ecology  6: 142-151.
  78. Shmida, A., 1991. Tamarisks in Israel.  Israel Land & Nature 16(3): 119-125.
  79. Cohen, O. and A. Shmida, 1988. Botanical Notes:  New observations.  Israel Land and Nature 13, 110-111.
  80. Shmida A. and R. Dukas, 1988. A bee to suit every flower?  Israel Land and Nature 13(3) 106-109.
  81. Holzapfel, C., W. Schmidt, and A. Shmida, 1992. Effects of human-caused disturbances on the flora along a Mediterranean-Desert gradient.  Flora 186: 261-290.
  82. Holzapfel, C., W. Schmidt, and A. Shmida, 1995. The influence of Site Conditions on Plant Species Richness, Plant Production and Population Dynamics – Comparison of Two Desert Types. In the Negev, Israel.  Catena, 28, pp. 145-156.
  83. Aronson A. and A. Shmida, 1992. Plant species diversity along a Mediterranean – Desert macrogradient and its correlation to interannual rainfalls. J. Arid. Env., 23, 235-247.
  84. Menzel, R. and A. Shmida, 1993. The ecology of flower colours and the natural colour vision systems of insect pollinators.  Rev., 68, 81-120.
  85. Kuchmeister, H., A. Shmida, and G. Gottsberger, 1995. Phenology and Pollination Ecology of the Desert Plant Moricandia nitens (Brassicaceae) In the Negev, Israel.  In:  Arid Ecosystems Advances in GeoEcology, H.P. Blume and S. M. Berkowicz, (eds.).  Catena 28 Verlag, Cremlingen-Destedt, Germany. pp. 157-171.
  86. Shmida, A. and M. Werger, 1992. Growth form diversity on the Canary Islands.  Vegetatio 102:183-199.
  87. Cohen, D. and A. Shmida, 1993. The evolution of flower display and reward. Evo. Biol. 27:197-243.
  88. Aronson J., J. Kigel and A. Shmida, 1993. Reproductive allocation strategies in desert and mediterranean populations of annual plants grown with and without water stress.  Oecologia, 93, 336-342.
  89. Shmida, A., and A. Liston, 1987. Contribution to the flora of Mount Hermon, 2. New Records. MS [not puplished]
  90. Auerbach, M. and A. Shmida, 1992. Vegetation change along an elevational gradient on Hermon, Israel:  No evidence for discrete communities.  J. of Ecology 81, 25:33.
  91. Chittka, L., R. Menzel, and A. Shmida, 1992. Optimal sets of spectral inputs and opponent processes for coding of natural colors in insect color vision.  In:  Brain – Perception – Cognition, N. Elsner and G. Roth (eds.).  Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart-New York.  195 pp.
  92. Chittka, L., M. Vorobyov, A. Shmida, and R. Menzel, 1993. Bee Colour Vision – The Optimal System for the Discrimination of Flower Colours with Three Spectral Photoreceptor Types?  In:  Sensory Systems of Arthropods, K. Wiese,  G. Gribakin, A.V. Popov, and G. Renninger, (eds.).  Birkhauser, Basel.  pp. 211-218.
  93. Hasson, O., D. Cohen, A. Shmida, 1993. Providing or hiding information:  On the evolution of amplifiers and attenuators of perceived quality differences. Acta Biotheoretica, 40:269-283.
  94. Holtzapfel, C., W. Schmidt, and A. Shmida, 1993. The role of seed bank and seed rain in the recolonization of disturbed sites along an aridity gradient.   Phytocoenologia 23:561-580.
  95. Chittka, L., A. Shmida, N. Troje and R. Menzel, 1994. Ultraviolet as a component of flower reflections, and the colour perception of Hymenoptera.  Vision Research 34:1489-1508.
  96. Friedman, J. and A. Shmida, 1995. Pollination, gathering, nectar, and the distribution of flower species. J. Theoretical Biology, 175, 127-138.
  97. Motro, U. and A. Shmida, 1995. Near-Far Search – An evolutionary stable foraging strategy.  Theoretical Biology, 173, 15-22.
  98. Wolf, M. and Shmida, A., 1995. Association of Flower and Pollinator Activity in the Negev Desert.  In:  Arid Ecosystems Advances in GeoEcology, H.P. Blume and S. M. Berkowicz, (eds.).  Catena, 28 Verlag, Cremlingen-Destedt, Germany. pp. 173-192.
  99. Thuijsman, F. B. Peleg, M. Amitai, and A. Shmida, 1995. Automata, matching and foraging behavior of bees.   Theoretical Biology, 175, 305-316.
  100. Wolfe, L. and A. Shmida, 1995. Regulation of gender and flowering behavior in a sexually dimorphic desert shrub (Ochradenus baccatus).  Israel Plant Sciences, 43:325-337.
  101. Dafni, A. and A. Shmida, 1996. The possible influence of Bombus terrestris invasion on the biodiversity of solitary bees in Israel.  In:  Matheson, S.L. Buchmann, C. O’Toole, P. Westrich, and I.H. Williams (eds.), The Conservation of Bees. Academic Press.
  102. Keasar, T., U. Motro, Y. Shur, and A. Shmida, 1996.  Overnight memory retention of foraging skills by bumblebees is imperfect.  Animal Behavior, 52:95-104..
  103. Keasar, T., A. Shmida and U. Motro, 1996. Innate movement rules in foraging bees:  flight distances are affected by recent rewards and are correlated with choice of flower type.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39, 381-388.
  104. Shmida, A. and B. Peleg, 1996. Strict and symmetric correlated equilibria are the distributions of the ESS's of biological conflicts with asymmetric roles. In:  Understanding Strategic Interaction – Essays in Honor of Reinhard Selten, W. Albers, W. Guth, B. Moldovanu, and E. van Damme, (eds.).  Springer Verlag, 1996.. pp. 149-170. [ first published in 1991- paper No. 11.  Center for Rationality. HUJI ]
  105. Nathan, R., A. Shmida, and O. Fragman, 1996. Peripherality and regional rarity are positively correlated:  quantitative evidence from the Upper Galilee flora (North Israel).  In:  Steinberger (ed.)., Preservation of our world in the wake of change.  Israel Society for Ecology & Environmental Quality Sciences, Jerusalem, Israel.  pp. 561-564.
  106. Fragman,O. and A.Shmida,1996. Diversity and Adaptation of Wild Geophytes along an Aridity Gradient in Israel. In Acta Horticulturae, Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Flower Bulbs,  430, 2, 795-802.
  107. Shmida, A., 1996. Acacia gerradii in Jordan.  Ecology and Environment, 3, 161-165. (Hebrew, English summary).
  108. Rawak, S. and A.Shmida 1996 Rediscovery of Acacia laeta in Jordan. Ecology and Environment, 3, 269-272 (Hebrew, English summary).
  109. Wolfe, L., and A. Shmida, 1997. The ecology of sex expression in Gynodioecious Israeli desert shrub (Ochradenus baccatus).  Ecology, 78:101-110.
  110. Menzel, R., A. Gumbert, J. Kunze, A. Shmida, and M. Vorobyev, 1997. Pollinators' stategies in finding flowers.  Isr J. Plant Science, 45, 141-156.
  111. Kunin, B, and A. Shmida, 1997. Plant reproductive traits as a function of local density, regional and global abundance.  Conservation Biology 11 (1):183-192.
  112. Keasar, T., Y. Bilu, U. Motro, and A. Shmida, 1997. Foraging choices of bumblebees on equally rewarding artificial flowers of different colors.  Israel Journal of Plant Science, 45, 223-233..
  113. Fragman, O., U. Plitmann, D. Heller, and A. Shmida, 1999. Checklist and ecological data-base of the flora of Israel and its surroundings.  Israel Nature and Natural Parks protection Authority, Jerusalem.  107 pages.
  114. Wisheu, C., M. Rosenzweig, ,L. Olsvig-Whittaker, and A. Shmida, 2000. A Model of High Plant Diversity in Mediterranean Heathlands.   Evol Ecol Research   2: 935-955
  115. Shmida, A., S. Lev-Yadun, Goubitz and, G. Ne’eman, 2000. Sexual allocation and gender segregation in Pinus halepensis, P. brutia and P. pinea.  In:  Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis an P. brutia Forest Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin, G. Ne’eman and L. Trabaud (eds.). Backhuys Publishers.pp. 1-14.
  116. Sapir, Y.and A. Shmida and H.P.Comes. 2001. Iris bismarckiana in Israel and Jordan – new findings and taxonomic remarks. Plant Systematics and Evolution. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 49, 3, 229-235.
  117. Sapir, Y., A. Shmida and U. Ritte, 2001. Population variation in the Oncocyclus Irises along a geographical gradient in Israel. In: Irises and Iridaceae: biodiversity and systematics. Proceedings of the international conference in Rome,Italy. Annali di Botanica (Nuova Serie), 1 (2):135-144.
  118. Bar-Shai, N. and Shmida A. 2001, Bees visit more flowers on large almond trees than on small ones. Proceedings of the thirty seventh meeting of the Zological Society of Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology 47, 2 : pp. 173- 200.
  119. Blarer A., T. Keasar, and A. Shmida, 2001. Possible mechanisms for the formation of flower size preferences by foraging bumblebees.   Ethology, 108:341-351.
  120. Dafni, A. and A.Shmida, 2002, Andromonoecy in Colchicum stevenii (Liliaceae) – frequency, phenology and reserve. Israel Plant Sciences, 50, S51 – S47.
  121. Goubitz, S., R. Nathan, D. Roitemberg, A. Shmida and G. Ne’eman, 2001.  Serotiny in Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) in relation  with tree size, density and stand history.  Journal of Vegetation Science (submitted).
  122. Goubitz, S., Werger, M.J.A., Shmida, A. and Ne’eman, 2002. Cone abortion in Pinus halepensis: the role of pollen quality tree size and cone location. Oikos 97: 125-133.
  123. Rashkovich, E., T. Keasar, D. Cohen, and A. Shmida, Choice behavior of bees in two-armed bandit situations:  Experiments and possible decision rules.  Behavioral Ecology 13:757-765.  [ =  Discussion paper No. 226.  Center for Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory]
  124. Sapir, Y. and A. Shmida, 200 Species concepts and speciation model of the Oncocylus Irises. Israel J. of Plant Sciences, 50:119-127.
  125. Arafeh, R. M. H., Y. Sapir, A. Shmida, N. Iraki, O. Fragman and H. P. Comes, 2002. Patterns of genetic and phenotypic variation in Iris haynei and atrofusca (Iris sect. Oncocyclus = the Royal Irises) along an environmental gradient in Israel and the West Bank. Molecular Ecology. 11:39-53.
  126. Shmida, A., O. Fragman, R. Nathan, Z. Shamir and Y. Sapir, 2002. The Red Plants of Israel: a proposal of updated and revised list of plant species protected by the law. . Ecologia Mediterranea 28 (1):55-64.
  127. Sapir, Y., A. Shmida, O. Fragman, and H.P. Comes, 2002. Morphological variation of the Oncocyclus Irises (Iris: Iridaceae) in the Southern Levant. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 139:369-382.
  128. Sapir, Y., A. Shmida, and O. Fragman, 2003. Constructing Red Number for setting conservation priorities of endangered plant species:  Israel flora as a test case.  Journal for Nature Conservation 11(2), 91-108..
  129. Remaudiere,G., M. Inbar, J. J. Menier and A.Shmida, 2003, Un nouveau Geoica gallicole (Hemiptera, Aphididae, Eriosomatinae, Fordini) sur Pistacia atlantica en Jordanie. Rev. Franc. d'entomologie 26(1): 37 – 42.
  130. Bar-Shai N., T. Keasar, R. Samuels, U. Motro, and A. Shmida, 2004. Flight durations in bumblebees under manipulation of feeding choices. J. Insect Behavior, J. Insect Behavior, 17:155-168.
  131. Goubitz, S., R. Nathan, D. Roitemberg, A. Shmida and G. Ne’eman, 2004, Canopy seed bank structure in relation to: fire, tree size and density. Plant Ecology 173: 191-201.
  132. Sapir, Y., A. Shmida, and G. Ne’eman. 2005. Pollination of the Oncocyclus irises (Iris: Iridaceae) by night-sheltering male bees. Plant Biology 7:417-424.
  133. Gottlieb D, Keasar T, Shmida A, Motro U, 2005. Possible foraging benefits of bimodal daily activity in Proxylocopa olivieri (Lepeletier) (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae). Environmental Entomology 34:417-424.
  134. Sapir, Y., A. Shmida, and G. Ne’eman. 2006. Morning floral heat as reward to the pollinators of the Oncocyclus irises. Oecologia , 147:53-59.
  135. Ne’eman, G., Shavit. O., Shaltiel, L. and Shmida, A. 2006 Foraging by Male and Female Solitary Bees with Implications for Pollination. Journal of Insect Behavior. vol. 19 (3):383-399.
  136. Al Sheikh B, Salman M, Masalha J, Salem K, Ron M, Shmida A, 2000. Priliminary Checklist and Ecological Data-Base of plants of the West Bank. Al-Quds University, Abu-Deis, West Bank, 112 pp.
  137. Kaesar, T., Fershtman,, Forotan R. and A. Shmida, 2007. Learning performance of foraging bees during manipulation of inter-visit time intervals. Entomologia Generalis, 29:213-224. [ Center for Rationality. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Discussion Paper #176.  Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.]
  138. Arnon R,Keasar T, Pollak G, Cohen D, Shmida A. 2006 Honesty of signaling and pollinator attraction: the case of flag-like bracts. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 54, 119-128.
  139. Keasar T, Goubitz S, Shmida A. 2007.Age-related Sampling of Food Sources by Unsuccessful Foraging Bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombus). Entomologia Generalis , 29: 210-211. [ Discussion paper No. 172, Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem]
  140. Shmida, A. and G. Polak, 2008. the Red Plant Book: Endangered plants of Israel, vol 1, 496 pp. Israel Nature and Parks Authority, Jerusalem(in Hebrew).
  141. Keasar T, Shihadeh S, Shmida S, Majali N, Weil D, Reuven N. 2007 An evaluation of mini-nucleus honeybee hives for pollination of honeydew melons in enclosures. Journal of Apicultural research. 46(4): 264-268.
  142. Ney-Nifle, M., T. Keasar, and A. Shmida 2001 Location and Color Learning in Bumblebees in a Two-Phase Conditioning Experiment. J. of Insect Behavior,14,(5) pp. 697-711.
  143. Arnon R, Keasar T, Hempel De Ibarra N, Cohen D, Shmida A, 2009.Learning of colored targets with vertical and horizontal components by bumblebees (Bombus terrestris L.). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 57: 193-201.
  144. Sadeh A, Keasar T, Shmida A. 2007 The Carpenter Bee Xylocopa pubescens as an Agricultural Pollinator in Greenhouses. Apidologie 38 ,508–517.
  145. Keasar T, Sadeh A, Shmida A. 2008 Variability in nectar production and yield, and their relation to pollinator visits, in a Mediterranean shrub. Arthropod Plant interactions , Vol.2 : 117-123. [Discussion Paper # 458, Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.]
  146. LevinN,   ShmidaA, LevanoniO,   TamariH,  Kark K. 2007 Predicting mountain plant richness and rarity from space using satellite-derived vegetation indices. Diversity and Distributin ,Vol.13, pp:692-703.
  147. Levin N. Shmida A., 2007 Determining Conservation Hotspots across biogeographic regions using rainfall belts: Israel as a case study. Israel Ecology and Evolution, Vol.53,pp. 33 – 58.
  148. Keasar T, Sadeh A, Gerchman Y, Shmida A, 2009. The signaling function of an extra-floral display: what selects for signal development? Oikos, 118: 1752-1759.
  149. De Jong T Thuijsman F Shmida A  2008  Optimal sex allocation in plants and the evolution of  Monoecy. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 10, 1082-1109. [Discussion Paper # 487, Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.]
  150. Keasar T., Shmida A. 2009 An evaluation of Israeli forestry trees and shrubs as potential forage plants for bees. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 57: 49-64.
  151. Keasar T., Shmida A., Zylbertal A., 2008 (MS) Pollination ecology of the red Anemone coronaria : honeybees may select for early flowering. [Discussion Paper # 491, Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.]
  152. Keasar T., Shmida A., Martinez, Harari .A, Keith D., Sabatinelli G., Zylbertal A. and Horovitz A.O., 2009 Red Anemone guild flowers as focal places for mating and feeding of Glaphyrid beetles. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99:808-817. [Discussion Paper # 515, Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.]
  153. Leshem Y, Keasar T, Shmida A. 2010, Female-biased nectar production in the protandrous, hermaphroditic shrub Salvia hierosolymitana: possible reasons and consequences. Australian Journal of Botany. [ Discussion Paper # 494, Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem].
  154. Melamed Y., U. Plitmann, A. Shmida and O. Golan, 2009. Lasyhyrus clymenum L. in Israel: A "revival" of an ancient species. . Israel of Plant Sciences, 57, 125 – 130.
  155. Danin A. and A.Shmida 1980. Notes. In: W.Greuter (ed.), Med-Checklist Notulae, 2.-Willdenowia, 10: 227-232.
  156. Holzapfel C, Hadas A P and Shmida A  2009 , Resilience of Mediterranean and desert vegetation after disturbance. Farstarciv,80,5,297-304..
  157. Bar-Shai N, Keasar T and A Shmida  2011, The use of numerical information by bees in foraging tasks.  Behavioral Ecology, 22(2); 317-325. [ Discussion Paper # 554, Center for Rationality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem].
  158. Ne’eman G,  Gubitz S. , M J.A.Werger M,J A,  and A Shmida 2011 , Relations between tree size, crown shape, gender segregation and sex allocation in Pinus halepensis, a Mediterranean pine tree. . Annals of Botany 78, 1–10.
  159. Keasar T, Shmida A, Koplovich  A, Katzir  MS(see NO.167) 2011 Sex, drugs and aposematism: tritrophic interactions between anemones, beetles and birds. MS
  160. Bar-Shai N, Keasar T, Shmida A. 2011 How do solitary bees forage in patches with a fixed number of food items? Animal Behavior ,82 (6), 1367-1372.
  161. Shmida, A. and G.Pollak, 2011. the Red Plant Book: Endangered plants of Israel, vol 2, . Israel Nature and Parks Authority, Jerusalem (in Hebrew).
  162. Shmida A. and G.Pollak 2011, Israel IPA regions. In: Radford, E.A., Catullo, G. and Montmollin, B. de. (eds.) (2011). Important Plant Areas of the south and east Mediterranean region: priority sites for conservation. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Malaga, Spain. Gland, Switzerland and Malaga, Spain: IUCN. Pp: 48-53.
  163. De Jong TJ Klinkhamer PG Shmida A & Thuijsman F 2011 On the evolution of protandry and the distinction between preference and rank order in pollinator visitation. Evolutionary Ecological Research , 13 : 307 – 314.
  164. Martinez-Harms J., Vorobyev M., Schorn J., Shmida A., Keasar T., Homberg U. , Schmeling F. and Menzel R. , 2012 Color vision in Pygopleurus israelitus (Glaphyridae: Coleoptera) and their flowers’ colors: Evidence of red sensitive photoreceptors in Pygopleurus israelitus (Glaphyridae: Coleoptera) and its implications for beetle pollination in the southeast Mediterranean. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 198 : 451-463.
  165. Shmida A. 2012, Sex-Types in Wind-Pollinated Chenopodiaceae: patterns in the flowers’ reproductive organs that do and don’t agree with Charnov’s sexual allocation theory.. Proceedings of the Caryophyllales Symposium,. M.V. Lomonosov State University, Moscow, pp:126-129.
  166. Keasar T  Motro U and A. Shmida 2013  Temporal reward variability promotes sampling of a new flower type by bumblebees. Animal Behavior, 86:747 – 753.

 166-B  Keasar T  Motro U and A. Shmida 2013  "Majoring" and "minoring" in bumblebees revisited: temporal variability promotes sampling of a new food patch. (The Center for Rationality DP -640)

167      Keasar, T., M. Kishinevsky, A. Shmida, Y. Gerchman, N. Chinkov, A. Koplovich, and G. Katzir, 2013. Plant-derived visual signals may protect beetle herbivores from bird predators. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 1613–1622

168      Vasl A, Shmida A, 2015, The adaptive role of nectarial appendages in Colchicum. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 301: 1713-1723.( Online publication date 31-Dec-2014)

169      Dufour-Dror JM and A Shmida 2017,  Invasion of alien Prosopis species in Israel and Jordan: Characteristics, distribution and control perspectives. BioInvasions Records , 6(1): 1-7


170     Coals P Shmida A Vasl A Duguny NM Glbert F 2015 Elevation patterns of plant diversity and recent altitudinal range shifts in Sinai’s high-mountain flora. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 255-264

171     Levin N and Shmida 2007 determining conservation hotspots across biogeographic regions using rainfall belts: Israel as a case study. Israel J. Eco.&Evo. 51:1-25

172     Soennecken K Olsvig-Whittaker L Leiverkus P and Shmida A 2017 Landscape Archaeology in the Wādī al-ʿArab region. Journal of Landscape Ecology , 10(3):100-108

173     Olsvig-Whittaker L Soennecken K and Shmida A 2018 A description of the vegetation communities in Gadara region. In: (Vieweger D. and J. Häser eds.) Tall Zira'a book vol. 1. Upalla, Germany


174     Pollak G and Shmida A 2006 The Red Data Book of the flora of Israel: Criteria for ranking endangered plant species for setting priorities for conservation and management. Proceedings of the thirty-fourth meeting of the Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 52: 187-188

175     Shmida A and Pollak G 2010 Israel. pp 48-42 in: Important Plant Areas of the south and east Mediterranean region: priority sites for conservation (eds: E.A.Radford, G Catullo and B. de Montmollin)

176     de Jong TJ During HJ & Shmida A 2018 Differences and similarities of sex ratios between dioecious angiosperms and dioicous bryophytes. Evolutionary Ecology Research,  19:365-386

177     Mrtinez-Harms J Hadar Márquez N Menzel R Shmida A and Vorobyev M 2020  Enhanced UV-Reflection Facilitated a Shift in the Pollination System of the Red Poppy, Papaver rhoeas (Papaveraceae). Plants (in press)

178     Shmida A Olsvig-Whittaker L and Soennecken K 2020 The vegetation of Northern Jordan: Two transects from the Jordan Valley to the Eastern Highlands. In: (Vieweger D. and J. Häser eds.) Tall Zira'a book vol. 3. Upalla, Germany