נאמן גידי


גידי נאמן פרופ' אמריטוס שם המוסד: החוג לביולוגיה וסביבה, אוניברסיטת חיפה אורנים דוא"ל: gneeman@gmail.com תחומי עניין ומחקר: אקולוגיה ואבולוציה של צמחים, אקולוגיה של שריפות ואקולוגיה של ההאבקה. פרסומים מדעיים (עברית בסוף הרשימה):

Ph.D. dissertation Title:  "The Symbiosis Between the Common Fig Ficus carica L. and the Pollinating Wasp Blastophaga psenes L." (84 pp. in Hebrew with English abstract) 1982. Supervisor: Professor J. Galil, Department of Botany, Tel Aviv University.

Scientific books (refereed, in English)

  1. Ne’eman, G. and Trabaud, L. (editors). 2000. Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis and brutia Mediterranean Pine Forest Ecosystems. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden (412 pages with 97 figures and 45 tables, hardbound. ISBN 90-5782-055-2).
  2. Agra, H., Carmel, Y., Smith, R.K. and Ne’eman, G. Forest conservation. In: Global evidence for the effects of interventions. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. pdf DOI OBP.0131.05
  3. Ne’eman, G. and Osem, Y. (editors) 2020 (In press). Pines and their mixed forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

 Edited Special Issues

  1. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 1997 (Vol. 7), a special issue Mt. Carmel fire, Israel, 350 pp.
  2. Ecology and Environment, 1996 (vol 3) a special issue dedicated to researches on fire management in Israel 120 pp. (in Hebrew).
  3. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution, a special issue dedicated to fires in the Mediterranean basin (120 pages, to be published in 2012).

 Articles in refereed journals

  1. Galil, J. and Ne’eman, G. 1977. Pollen transfer and pollination in the common fig (Ficus carica). New Phytologist 79: 163- 171.
  2. Ne’eman, G. and Galil, J. 1978. Seed set in "male syconia" of the common fig, Ficus carica (caprificus). New Phytologist 81: 375-380.
  3. Ne’eman, G., Lahav, H. and Izhaki, I. 1992. Spatial patterns of seedlings one year after fire in a Mediterranean pine forest. Oecologia 91: 365-370.
  4. Izhaki, I., Lahav, H. and Ne’eman, G. Spatial distribution patterns of Rhus coriaria seedlings after fire in a Mediterranean pine forest. Acta Oecologica 13: 279-289.
  5. Ne’eman, G. Meir, I. and Ne’eman, R. 1993. The effect of ash on the germination and early growth of shoots and roots of Pinus, Cistus and annuals. Seed Science and Technology 21: 339-349.
  6. Ne’eman, G. Variation in leaf phenology and habit in Quercus ithaburensis, a Mediterranean deciduous tree. Journal of Ecology 81: 627-634.
  7. Ne’eman, G. H and Izhaki, I. 1995. Recovery of vegetation in a natural east-Mediterranean pine forest on Mt. Carmel, Israel, as affected by management strategies. Forest Ecology and Management 75: 17-26.
  8. Ne’eman, G. and Nesher, R. 1995. Pollination ecology and the significance of colour change in Lupinus pilosus Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 43: 135-145.
  9. Henig-Sever, N., Eshel, A. and Ne’eman, G. pH and osmotic potential of pine ash as post-fire germination inhibitors. Physiologia Plantarum 96: 71-76.
  10. Ne’eman, G. Pollination ecology in Lupinus pilosus. Bocconea 5: 201-209.
  11. Ne’eman, G. and Izhaki, I. 1996. Colonization in an abandoned East Mediterranean vineyard. Journal of Vegetation Science 7: 465-472.
  12. Izhaki, I. and Ne’eman, G. The effect of porcupine and bast scale disturbance on Aleppo pine recruitment. Acta Oecologica 17: 97-107.
  13. Izhaki, I. and Ne’eman, G. Hares (Lepus sp.) as seed dispersers of Retema reatem (Fabaceae) in a sandy landscape. Journal of Arid Environments 37: 343-354.
  14. Schiller, G., Ne’eman, G. and Korol, L. 1997. Post-fire vegetation dynamics in a native Pinus halepensis stands on Mt. Carmel, Israel. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 45: 297:308.
  15. Ne’eman, G. Regeneration of natural pine forest – a review of work done after the 1989 fire in Mount Carmel, Israel. The International Journal of Wildland Fire 7: 295-306.
  16. Ne’eman, G., Perevolotsky, A. and Schiller, G. 1997. The Management implications of the Mt. Carmel research project. The International Journal of Wildland Fire 7: 343-350.
  17. Ne’eman, G. and Izhaki, I. 1998. Stability of pre- and post-fire spatial structure of pine trees in Aleppo pine forest Ecography 21: 535-542.
  18. Ne’eman, G., Henig-Sever, N. and Eshel, A. 1999. Regulation of the germination of Rhus coriaria, a post-fire pioneer, by heat, ash, pH, water potential and ethylene. Physiologia Plantarum 106: 47-52.
  19. Ne’eman, G. A comparative study of reproduction and biomass allocation between spring and autumn flowering Mediterranean geophytes. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 1: 27-34.
  20. Keeley, J. E., Fotheringham, C. J. and Ne’eman, G. Immaturity risk in a fire dependent pine. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 1: 41-48.
  21. Ne’eman, G., Dafni, A. and Potts, S.G. A new pollination probability index (PPI) for pollen load analysis as a measure for pollination effectiveness of bees. Journal of Apicultural Research 38: 19-23.
  22. Ne’eman, G. and Dafni, A. 1999. Fire bees and seed production in a Mediterranean key species Salvia fruticosa (Lamiaceae). Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 47: 157-163.
  23. Ne’eman, G. and Izhaki, I. 1999. The effect of stand age and microhabitat on soil seed banks in Mediterranean Aleppo pine forests after fire. Plant Ecology 144: 115-125.
  24. Ne’eman, G. and Izhaki, I. 1999. Ecology and management of Mediterranean pine forests – conclusions of the international MEDPINE workshop. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 1: 133-138.
  25. Ne’eman, G., Fotheringham, C. J. and Keeley, J. E. 1999. Patch to landscape patterns in post-fire recruitment of a serotinous conifer. Plant Ecology 145: 235-242.
  26. Ne’eman, G., Dafni, A. and Potts, S.G. 2000. Effect of fire on flower visitation rate and fruit-set in four core-species in east Mediterranean scrubland. Plant Ecology 146: 97-104.
  27. Henig-Sever, N., Eshel, A. and Ne’eman, G. Regulation of the germination of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) by nitrate, ammonium and gibberellin, and its role in post-fire forest regeneration. Physiologia Plantarum 108: 390-397.
  28. Eshel, A., Henig-Sever, N. and Ne’eman, G. Spatial variation of seedling distribution in an east Mediterranean pine woodland at the beginning of post-fire succession. Plant Ecology 148: 175-182.
  29. Izhaki, I., Henig-Sever, N. and Ne’eman, G. Soil seed banks in Mediterranean Aleppo pine forests: the effect of heat, cover and ash on seedling emergence. Journal of Ecology 88: 667-675.
  30. Potts, S.G., Dafni, A. and Ne’eman, G. Pollination of a core flowering shrub species in Mediterranean phrygana: variation in pollinator diversity, abundance and effectiveness in response to fire. Oikos 92: 71-80.
  31. Perevolotsky, A., Ne’eman, G., Yonathan, R and Henkin, Z. 2001. Resilience of prickly burnet to management intervention in East Mediterranean rangelands. Journal of Range Management 54: 561-566.
  32. Ne’eman, G. and Kevan, P. G. 2001. The effect of shape parameters on maximal detection distance of model targets by honeybee workers. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 187: 653-660.
  33. Hanley, M. E., Fenner, M. and Ne’eman, G. Pre-germination heat-shock and seedling growth of fire-following Fabaceae from four Mediterranean-climate regions. Acta Oecologica 22: 315-320.
  34. Goubitz, S., Werger, M.J.A., Shmida, A. and Ne’eman, 2002. Cone abortion in Pinus halepensis: the role of pollen quality tree size and cone location. Oikos 97: 125-133.
  35. Lev-Yadun, S., Dafni, A., Inbar, M., Izhaki. I. and Ne’eman. G. Colour patterns in vegetative parts of plants deserve more research attention. Trends in Plant Science 7: 59-60.
  36. Ne’eman, G. To be or not to be – the effect of nature conservation management on the flowering of Paeonia mascula (L.) Miller in Israel. Biological Conservation 109: 103-109.
  37. Potts, S.G., Vulliamy, B., Dafni, A., Ne’eman, , O’Toole, C., Roberts, S. and Willmer, P.G. 2003. Response of plant-pollinator communities following fire: changes in diversity, abundance and reward structure. Oikos 101: 103-112.
  38. Goubitz, S., Werger, M. and Ne’eman, G. Germination response to fire related factors of seeds from non-serotinous and serotinous cones. Plant Ecology 169: 195-204.
  39. Potts, S.G., Vulliamy B., Dafni, A., Ne’eman, G. and Willmer, P.G. 2003. Linking bees and flowers: how do floral communities structure pollinator communities? Ecology 26: 2628-2642.
  40. Lev-Yadun, S., and Ne’eman, G. 2004. When may green plants be apposematic? Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 81: 413-416.
  41. Ne’eman, G., Goubitz, S. and Nathan, R. 2004. Reproductive traits of Pinus halepensis in the light of fire – a critical review. Plant Ecology 171:69-79.
  42. Nathan, R. and Ne’eman G. 2004. Spatiotemporal dynamics of recruitment in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller) Plant Ecology 171: 123-137.
  43. Goubitz, S., Nathan, R., Roitemberg, D., Shmida, A. and Ne’eman, G. Canopy seed bank structure in relation to: fire, tree size and density Plant Ecology 173: 191-201.
  44. Potts, S., Vulliamy, B, Roberts, S., O’Toole, C., Dafni, A., Ne’eman, G. and Willmer, P. 2004. Nectar resource diversity organizes flower-visitor community structure. Entomologia experimentalis et Applicata 113: 103-107.
  45. Lev-Yadun, S. Dafni, A., Flaishman, M. A., Inbar, M., Izhaki, I., Katzir, G. and Ne’eman, G. Plant coloration undermines herbivorous insect camouflage. BioEssays 26: 1126-1130.
  46. Potts, S., Vulliamy, B. Roberts, S., O’Toole, C., Dafni, A., Ne’eman, G. and Willmer, P. 2005. Role of nesting resources in organizing diverse bee communities in a Mediterranean landscape. Ecological Entomology 30: 78-85.
  47. Sapir, Y., Shmida, A. and Ne’eman, G. Pollination of Oncocyclus irises (Iris: Iridaceae) by night-sheltering male bees. Plant Biology 7: 417-424.
  48. Singaravelan, N., Ne’eman G., Inbar, M. and Izhaki, I. 2005. Feeding responses of free-flying honeybees to secondary compounds mimicking floral nectars. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31: 2791-2804.
  49. Singaravelan, N., Inbar, M., Ne’eman G., Distl, M., Wink, M. and Izhaki, I. 2006. The effect of nectar-nicotine on colony fitness of caged honeybees. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32: 49-58.
  50. Sapir, Y., Shmida, A. and Ne’eman, G. Morning floral heat as reward to the pollinators of the Oncocyclus irises. Oecologia 147: 53-59.
  51. Ne’eman, G., O., Shaltiel, L. and Shmida, A. 2006. Foraging by male and female solitary bees with implications for pollination. Journal of Insect Behavior 19: 383-401.
  52. Ne’eman, G., Ne’eman, R. and Ellison, A. 2006. Limits to reproductive success of Sarracenia purpurea (Sarraceniaceae). American Journal of Botany 93: 1660-1666.
  53. Lev-Yadun, S., Ne’eman, G., Shahal, A. and Flaishman, A. 2006. Comments on "Early domesticated fig in the Jordan valley". Science 314: 1683.
  54. Lev-Yadun, S. and Ne’eman, G. 2006. Color changes in old aposematic thorns, spines, and prickles. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 54: 327-333.
  55. Shachak, M., Boeken, B., Groner, E., Kadmon, R., Lubin, Y., Meron, E., Ne’eman, G., Perevolotsky, A., Shkedy, Y. and Ungar, E. 2008. Woody species as landscape modulators and their effect on biodiversity patterns. BioScience 58: 209-221.
  56. Nahum, S., Inbar, M., Ne’eman, G. and Ben-shlomo, R. 2008. Phenotypic plasticity and gene diversity in Pistacia lentiscus along environmental gradients in Israel. Tree Genetics and Genomes. 4: 777-785.
  57. Ne’eman, G., Ne’eman, R., Keith, D. and Whelan, R. 2009. Does post-fire plant regeneration mode affect germination ecophysiology and early seedling growth? Oecologia. 159: 483-492.
  58. Lev-Yadun, S. Ne’eman, G. and Shanas, U. 2009. A sheep in wolf's clothing: do carrion and dung odors of flowers not only attract pollinators but also deter herbivores? BioEssays. 31: 84-88.
  59. Lev-Yadun, S., Katzir, G. and Ne’eman, G. Rheum palaestinum (desert rhubarb) a self-irrigating desert plant. Naturwisenschaften. 96: 393-397.
  60. Lev-Yadun, S., Ne’eman, G and Izhaki, I. 2009. Unripe red fruits may be aposematic. Plant Signaling & Behavior 4: 836-841.
  61. Agra, H. and Ne’eman G. Woody species as landscape modulators: Their effect on the herbaceous plants in a Mediterranean maquis. Plant Ecology 205: 165-177.
  62. Shavit, O. Dafni, A. and Ne’eman, G. Competition between honeybees (Apis mellifera) and native solitary bees in the Mediterranean region of Israel – implications for biodiversity conservation. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 57: 171-183.
  63. Ronel, M., Ne’eman, G., and Lev-Yadun, S. 2010. Spiny east-Mediterranean plant species flower later and in a drier season than non-spiny species. Flora 205: 276-281.
  64. Ne’eman, G., Jürgens, A., Newstrom-Lloyd, L., Potts, S.G. and Dafni, A. 2010. A framework for comparing pollinator performance: effectiveness and efficiency. Biological Reviews 85: 435-451.
  65. Nahum, S., Inbar, M, Ne’eman, G. and Ben-Shlomo, R. Phylogeography and gene diversity of the gall-forming aphid Aploneura lentisci in the Mediterranean basin. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 58: 121-129.
  66. Agra, H. and Ne’eman G. Quercus calliprinos regrowth advantage under grazing in Mediterranean maquis and its management implications Forest Ecology and Management 261: 143–147.
  67. Perevolotsky, A., Schwartz-Tzachor, R., Yonathan, R. and Ne’eman G. Geophytes – herbivore interactions: reproduction and population dynamics of Anemone coronaria L. Plant Ecology 212:563–571.
  68. Ne’eman, G., Goubitz, S., Werger, M.J.A. and Shmida, A. 2011. Relations between tree size, crown shape, gender segregation and sex allocation in Pinus halepensis, a Mediterranean pine tree. Annals of Botany 108:197-206.
  69. Oswald, W.W., Doughty, E.D., Ne’eman, , Ne’eman, R. and Ellison, A.M. 2011. Pollen morphology and taxonomy of the genus Sarracenia (Sarraceniaceae). Rhodora 113: pp.
  70. Agra, H. and Ne’eman, G. Composition and diversity of herbaceous patches in woody vegetation: the effects of grazing, soil seed-bank, growing conditions, patch spatial properties and scale. Flora 207: 310–317.
  71. Dovrat, G., Perevolotsky, A. and Ne’eman, G. Wild boars as seed dispersal agents of exotic plants from agricultural lands to conservation areas. Journal of Arid Environments 78: 49-54.
  72. Lev-Yadun, S. and Ne`eman, G. Does bee or wasp mimicry by orchid flowers also deter herbivores? Arthropod-Plant Interactions 6:327-332.
  73. Ne’eman, G., Izhaki, I. and Keeley J. 2012. Fire in the Mediterranean – from genes to ecosystems. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution. 58: 103-111.
  74. Ne’eman, G., Lev-Yadun, S. and Arianoutzou,. 2012. Fire-related traits in Mediterranean basin plants. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution. 58: 177-194.
  75. Dafni1, A., Izhaki, I. and Ne’eman, G. 2012. The effect of fire on biotic interactions: pollination and seed dispersal. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution. 58: 235-250.
  76. Lev-Yadun, S. and Ne’eman, G. Bimodal colour pattern of individual Pinus halepensis Mill. Seeds – a new adaptation for crypsis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 109: 271-278.
  77. Dovrat, G. Perevolotsky, A. and Ne’eman, G. The response of Mediterranean herbaceous community to soil disturbance by native wild boars. Plant Ecology. 215: 531-541.
  78. Agra, H. Ne’eman, G. Shachak, M. Segoli, M. Gabay, O. Perevolotsky, A. Arnon, A. Boeken, B. Groner, E. Walczak, M. Shkedy, Y. Cohen, S. and Ungar, E.D. 2015. Canopy structure of woody landscape-modulators determines herbaceous-species richness along a rainfall gradient. Plant Ecology.216: 1511-1522.
  79. Gershberg, A. Ne’eman, G. and Ben-Shlomo, R. 2016. Genetic structure of a naturally regenerating post-fire seedling population: Pinus halepensis as a case study. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7: 549.‏ doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00549.
  80. Ne’eman, G. and Ne’eman, R. 2016. Factors determining visual detection distance to real flowers by bumble bees. Journal of Pollination Ecology. 20: 1-12. http://www.pollinationecology.org/index.php?journal=jpe&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=416&path%5B%5D=143
  81. Lev-Yadun, Katzir, G. and Ne’eman, G. Self-irrigation in the desert rhubarb Rheum palaestinum – a response to Khammash. Plant Ecology and Evolution 150 (1): 109–111.
  82. Lev-Yadun, Katzir, G., Ne’eman, G. and Kesar, T. 2017. Differences in Flower Colors between Spiny and Non-spiny Asteraceae Species: A Possible Case of Aposematism? Flora 239: 98–103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flora.2017.12.002
  83. Dafni, A., Tzohari, H., Ben-Shlomo, R., Vereecken, N. J., & Ne’eman, G. (2020). Flower Colour Polymorphism, Pollination Modes, Breeding System and Gene Flow in Anemone coronaria. Plants, 9: 397.
  84. Ornai, A., Ne’eman, G., and Keasar, T. (2020). Management of forest fire buffer zones: Implications for flowering plants and bees. Forest Ecology and Management, 473: 118310.

Articles or chapters in refereed scientific books

  1. Ne’eman, G., Lahav, H. and Izhaki, I. 1992. Resilience of vegetation to fire in an East-Mediterranean pine forest on Mount Carmel, Israel: the effect of post-fire management regimes. In: Trabaud, L. and Prodon, R. (eds.), The Role of Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Commission of the European Community, Brussels, pp. 127-140.
  2. Ne’eman, G. and Goubitz, S. 2000. Phenology of east Mediterranean vegetation. In: Trabaud, L. (ed.) Advances in Ecological Sciences: Life and Environment in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, UK, pp. 155-202.
  3. Ne’eman, G.  2000. The effect of burned pine trees on post-fire regeneration. In: Ne’eman, G. and Trabaud, L. (eds). Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis and P. brutia Mediterranean Pine Forest Ecosystems. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 303-320.
  4. Ne’eman, G. and Perevolotsky, A. 2000. The management of burnt forests in Israel. In: Ne’eman, G. and Trabaud, L. (eds). Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis and brutia Mediterranean Pine Forest Ecosystems. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 321-334 (Refereed chapter).
  5. Nathan, R. and Ne’eman, G. Serotiny, seed dispersal and seed predation in Pinus halepensis. In: Ne’eman, G. and Trabaud, L. (eds). Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis and P. brutia Mediterranean Pine Forest Ecosystems. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 105-118.
  6. Izhaki, I. and Ne’eman, G. Soil seed banks in Pinus halepensis natural forests. In: Ne’eman, G. and Trabaud, L. (eds). Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis and P. brutia Mediterranean Pine Forest Ecosystems. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 167-182.
  7. Shmida, A., Lev-Yadun, S., Goubitz, S. and Ne’eman, G. Sexual allocation and gender segregation in Pinus halepensis, P. brutia and P. pinea. In: Ne’eman, G. and Trabaud, L. (eds). Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis and P. brutia Mediterranean Pine Forest Ecosystems. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp. 91-104.
  8. Arianoutsou, M. and Ne’eman, G. 2000. Post-fire regeneration of natural Pinus halepensis in the east Mediterranean. In: Ne’eman, G. and Trabaud, L. (eds). Ecology, Biogeography and Management of Pinus halepensis and brutia Mediterranean Pine Forest Ecosystems. Buckhuys Publishers, Leiden. pp. 269-290.
  9. Arianoutsou, M. and Ne’eman, G. 2020 (In press) Mediterranean pines – adaptations to fire. In: Ne’eman, G. and Osem, Y. (editors) 2020 (In press). Pines and their mixed forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Articles in conference proceedings

  1. Ne’eman, G., Lahav, H. and Izhaki, I. 1992. The effect of burned pine trees on post fire germination and establishment. Proceedings of the MEDECOS VI International Conference on Mediterranean Type Ecosystems, Crete. pp. 361-366.
  2. Ne’eman, G. The effect of thinning-out on the survival and development of Pinus and Cistus seedlings after fire on Mt. Carmel, Israel. In: 2ndInternational Conference on Fire Research. Coimbra, Portugal, pp. 1021-1031.
  3. Ne’eman, G. How are sites kept by Pinus halepensis after fire kills adult trees. In: 6th International Conference, The Israel Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality.
  4. Potts, S. G. Willmer, P., Dafni, A. and Ne’eman, G. The Utility of fundamental ecological research of plant-pollinator interactions as the basis for landscape management practices. The 8th International Pollination Symposium, Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary 2000. Acta Hortoculturae 561: 141-152.
 פרסומים בעברית  
  1. דפני, א. ונאמן ג. 1974. הסוג דבורנית בישראל. טבע וארץ 16: 74-71, 137-133.
  2. נאמן, ג. ודפני, א. 1974. ההאבקה בדבורנית. טבע וארץ 16: 187-184.
  3. נאמן, ג. 1974. הצומח בהר-מירון. טבע וארץ 18:19-18.
  4. גליל, י. ונאמן, ג. 1979. התאנה. בהוצאת החברה להגנת הטבע.
  5. נאמן, ג. 1979. מגדיר לעצים ומטפסים בצפון ישראל. החברה להגנת הטבע.
  6. נאמן, ג. 1992. האלון והאלה. תכנית לימודים למכללה לחינוך. המרכז הישראלי להוראת המדעים ירושלים.
  7. נאמן, ג., להב, ח. ויצחקי, ע. 1992. ההשפעה של עצי אורן שרופים על הנביטה וההתבססות של צמחים לאחר שריפה בכרמל. אופקים בגיאוגרפיה 35/6: 92-85.
  8. נאמן, ג. 1994. השפעת התפוצה הגיאוגרפית, צורת החיים ובית הגידול על הפנולוגיה של צמחים – פעילות סיכום לביקור בגן בוטני. עלון מורי הביולוגיה 137: 39-35.
  9. נאמן, ג. 1994. השפעת שריפה על נביטת זרעים – מעבדת חקר. עלון מורי הביולוגיה 139: 50-37.
  10. נאמן, ג. ונשר, ר. 1994. אקולוגיה של ההאבקה ומשמעות שינוי הצבע בתורמוס ההרים. אקולוגיה וסביבה 2: 32-27.
  11. נאמן, ג., פרבולוצקי, א., הנקין, ז. ויונתן, ר. 1995. תגובת הצומח לביעור שיחים, שריפה ודישון בבתה של סירה קוצנית בגבעות קירטוניות בגליל התחתון. השדה 75: 69-64.
  12. נאמן, ג. 1996. השפעה של גורמים טבעיים וממשק על התחדשות הצומח לאחר שריפה ביער אורן טבעי. אקולוגיה וסביבה 3: 51-43.
  13. פרבולוצקי, א., נאמן, ג. ושילר, ג. 1996. מסקנות ממשקיות של השריפה ב 1989 בכרמל. אקולוגיה וסביבה 3: 120-113.
  14. נאמן, ג. ויצחקי, ע. 2016. התנחלות צמחי בר, סוקצסיה משנית, בכרם גלילי נטוש. כתב-עת "כלנית" מספר 3.
  15. נאמן, ג. 1997. פירות והפצת זרעים. תכנית לימודים למכללה לחינוך. המרכז הישראלי להוראת המדעים ירושלים.
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